przejdź do informacji o grze

tytuł: Pokemon Ruby (E) [1242]
system: Game Boy Advance gatunek: RPG
Widok: NORMALNY Przejdź do widoku:

KOD do gry Pokemon Ruby (E) [1242]

Umieścił: klotek Status info: ZATWIERDZONE
Data dodania: 13.02.2004, 08:14 Punkty: 5
II. Mistrzowskie Kody ( po angliku i polaku [pol na pol] ) za zgoda redaktora

Zacznijmy z kodami dla obu wersji. Na początku - potrzebujemy kodów Mistrzowskich.

Musisz użyć tych kodów w sywm Action Replay / Gameshark, aby inne pliki z tego FAQ, działały.

Pokemon Ruby Master Code :
9E6AC862 823AB7A8
46B7D9E4 A709E9E1

Pokemon Sapphire Master Code:
9E6AC862 823AB7A8
8365F8FA 817CF3E9

te kody działają dla Gameshark'a lub Pro Action Replay
III. Kody Uniwersalne

Oto pare kodów na podstawie hacków autorstwa innych ludzików. Mam nadzieje, że działają prawidłowo. Jeśli nie, powiadom mnie o tym. Jeśli błędnie podałem autora któregoś z hacków udownodnij mi to, dla pewności. Jeśli to ty zrobiłeś jakiś hack i nie chcesz ich tu publikować jako kody GSA, e-mailuj do mnie, a ja postaram się coś z tym zrobić.

[Oryginalne hacki Radical dreamera na]

1. Nieskończone HP w walce - 1 Pokemon(Wygląda, jakby miał 0 HP)
51488C4F 907B35D5

2. kod na szybki wzrost poziomu(Wyłącz po uzyskaniu określonego poziomu, albo nie wyjdziesz z walki. Na VBA, wyłącz go, powinno przestać samo.
Odznacz go, a po prawej stronie powinno się pojawić D, na znak wyłączenia.
Możesz także wybrać "RemoveUsuń", aby go usunąć.)

Jeszcze coś: Ten kod dodaje wciąż 25,443 exp więc, jeśli wyłączysz go , doda jeszcze raz 25 tys Exp. zanim się wyłączy, więc doświadczenie będzie rosło, aż do zwiększenia o określoną liczbę.

A946FE8E 380AF65C

dodaje tylko 1,000 exp

DD855E20 B45F51E3

dodaje tylko 500 exp

E425AD47 7EAE9C4D

dodaje 100 exp


dodaje 50 exp


Prędkość rośnięcia będzie mniejsza im mniej Exp. pok będzie otrzymywał. Jeśli będziesz miał problemy z wyłączeniem kodu, skorzystaj z mniejszej wartości, przy następnej próbie.

3. Nieskończone Master Balle na pierwszym polu Items Pocketu. Zauważ, że Master Balle, będą nieskończone tak długo, aż nie przeniesiesz ich, bądź sprzedasz. możesz nawet wyłączyć kod, grę, a potem dalej będzie ich nieskończona ilość.
910C4AFB 679BA66A
68E6EAC1 6AB638B4

3a. Nieskończone Rare Candy w 2 slocie:
(spójrz podpis powyżej)
04092081 1A1F6FAD

4. Kod na 99 przedmiotu na 1 miejscu w głównej kieszeni
68E6EAC1 6AB638B4

Teraz zaczyna się lista przedmiotów dla 1 slotu. Jeśli checsz je w prawidłowej kieszeni, Przenieś je do PC i weź spowrotem.
[Lista nazw na co jest tłumaczeniem]

A97A5C99 A5C41C9B 000 ????????
910C4AFB 679BA66A 001 Master Ball
EE875C31 CEC90E53 002 Ultra Ball
5EEB6CF4 0D0A13F2 003 Great Ball
123EC001 4F5CB7FA 004 Pokeball
A16687DD 542EF412 005 Safari Ball
0EC2C6A5 495E579D 006 Net Ball
3B53887F 4C65B384 007 Dive Ball
C4FF8279 66689214 008 Nest Ball
944EFEF8 CE670A24 009 Repeat Ball
0A923385 D6B7B0B6 00A Timer Ball
A016762F C2966BA1 00B Gorgeous Ball
1A73E4F6 6090E68F 00C Premium Ball
B312DED8 6BD09E5A 00D Potion
576A65A7 5D83C8E3 00E Antidote
509727A0 8D071401 00F Burn Heal
8B4E2943 61E6C6C4 010 Ice Heal
57BC2353 63C90189 011 Awaken
71B1D38E 035CF3DC 012 Paralyz Heal
34339DD5 1EF5F784 013 Full Restore
F3B321E2 3ACD9A31 014 Max Potion
643A071F 9D828EEE 015 Hyper Potion
D21007A5 758A0AB9 016 Super Potion
2A391660 78F721E1 017 Full Heal
06FB9B8A E311F52C 018 Revive
1876EDD4 3AF04C39 019 Max Revive
CA94F919 39D24B95 01A Fresh Water
7968024E 9A2EA68C 01B Soda Pop
62FC3A75 CA15D1A0 01C Lemonade
49743A9D 19A01D6F 01D Moo Moo Milk
E1B8110A 2AFC79F1 01E Energy Powder
20507B4E 58C91963 01F Energy Root
1A4DF6F2 DCA61AF1 020 Dinner Crumbs
79554251 E9C8817D 021 Resurrection
F146DE58 9DB7C212 022 Ether
4FDD5DF3 132F4191 023 Max Ether
9BBC8A16 19735B43 024 Elixer
0B429C84 D8C2A295 025 Max Elixer
A806CD4F 89694072 026 Amp Cracker
08B60F5A 4A298C3F 027 Blue Beadol
83530298 D842311B 028 Yellow Beadol
76FB008B D4528415 029 Red Beadol
86F1DC8F 627D12F0 02A Black Beadol
EA6F515A 3522952A 02B White Beadol
20B1F471 54E206FE 02C Berry Juice
18466791 6F0899CB 02D Sacred Ash
4CC0E474 805E9F73 02E Beach Salt
E086D665 40E1E66E 02F Beach Shells
025D5080 84304EF1 030 Red Fragment
6BB4C139 68864F4E 031 Blue Fragment
EE9A064F 05B7C119 032 Yellow Fragment
26A776CA BBDBB14D 033 Green Fragment
2890D36A DC5B32CC 034 ????????
2399AA58 D402C718 035 ????????
B0375AFA 244B6DD1 036 ????????
EA06F610 3E6699D6 037 ????????
CF19E3A3 33A0897D 038 ????????
BA03451C 2ABFBD4F 039 ????????
2A3A1D7E 86EF0534 03A ????????
4B96611F 03BE1CAD 03B ????????
D81ECF7D 672DAF0C 03C ????????
527C8C54 5F18A675 03D ????????
BE185008 9F1D0E11 03E ????????
8792AC57 545F829D 03F HP Up
7561C864 8B561B91 040 Protein
32FE10A7 4BF7FBE6 041 Iron
706EF375 25C4FD10 042 Carbos
73288A33 161F95F1 043 Calcium
148ACF21 563F363D 044 Rare Candy
641ADA9D 31FAD61A 045 PP Up
BF24100F 6D23356C 046 Kitosan
E9134F6F ED25F2E4 047 PP Max
8A76460E E743D93C 048 ????????
C1903DDF 6E497CAC 049 Guard Spec
82FF65AC F635B63E 04A Dire Hit
02512B65 1098A5E8 04B X Attack
6A2EA8AD 8839AD7A 04C X Defend
D8E48D24 2B81ADF3 04D X Speed
9D4F75A2 0DCA7716 04E X Accuracy
3EDFCF41 66385A80 04F X Special
90DA412D 63E73F49 050 Pokeball
413F070B E8C0CD01 051 Eneko Tail
92DB7CBF 2218199F 052 ??????
96E361B5 750EC300 053 Super Repel
9C4C2A23 AFEF40A5 054 Max Repel
01FFD786 9E6F27B3 055 Escape Rope
B194BBDE 9578302A 056 Repel
4EAB5A82 2FD6482B 057 ????????
F026D08C 1BDD2C9C 058 ????????
93248207 8542941D 059 ????????
2939F16D B743963D 05A ????????
FC9632D4 6DA5ED7E 05B ????????
42AAD57B 7F62441C 05C ????????
2DA9475A BF7F9914 05D Sun Stone
6F73C575 3FB65869 05E Moon Stone
FAC5B86E C128F459 05F Fire Stone
AC227540 6CFB9922 060 Thunder Stone
3ADC8A34 00E19835 061 Water Stone
9C9B2736 397A8922 062 Leaf Stone
8265C50F 9F70F71A 063 ????????
B4276499 4D7CAC77 064 ????????
E4B60DD3 26984741 065 ????????
6C0043A8 6393167F 066 ????????
822239CF 17E24C4A 067 Tiny Mushroom
038DD0BD F32B6628 068 Big Mushroom
C497139D E5B16F2F 069 ????????
17E9118C F3539011 06A Pearl
10ABF8B2 2EBB05FD 06B Big Pearl
0953D692 702FB203 06C Star Piece
DD359307 0AED3CE2 06D Star Dust
83EA3B5D 5EFAA783 06E Nugget
4D98A6A6 1D8BD0CF 06F Heart Scale
D637624C 16EEFE4E 070 ????????
3011B191 5E201C2C 071 ????????
E4A03072 807F6447 072 ????????
7D9C60C7 06BED1B2 073 ????????
FB7BF61E 35C87A80 074 ????????
3812073C 778FF98C 075 ????????
BF9B9E4A B2B4AA09 076 ????????
8AC7941F 762E5908 077 ????????
B5A34AF3 15F9E95F 078 ????????
1A4124BA 53F5A6D0 079 Orange Mail
5927521C F714F636 07A Harbor Mail
C3EDEA53 C00AD9A1 07B Shiny Mail
73C6C506 F2224396 07C Mechanical Mail
E76E31DB B1612B40 07D Woody Mail
B98A56FA 87D7176F 07E Cross Mail
5907D32B 33AF53DA 07F Treasure Mail
FB33D900 7882267B 080 Shadow Mail
22E7DD9F 39E25CF5 081 Tropical Mail
B5AC917B 53473584 082 Dream Mail
C0B92E55 3E9A79CC 083 Miracle Mail
49901563 0C12E487 084 Retro Mail
575540EC E5816B87 085 Kurabo Fruit
99C5211A A526DD45 086 Kago Fruit
85FD4F28 6445E0AF 087 Momon Fruit
91C13F73 46FB8C54 088 Chiigo Fruit
8F803359 EE2A8807 089 Nanashi Fruit
E957EA1C 88287B79 08A Himeri Fruit
82B79965 AAE19A37 08B Oren Fruit
D28C33FE D71FC306 08C Kii Fruit
B203C5DD EAEC14A4 08D Ramu Fruit
7D5ECE70 7F1281CC 08E Obon Fruit
2DCD40CC 74D3CA6F 08F Fira Fruit
81F32B34 8A3981C1 090 Ui Fruit
30C4226E 8C7E5A07 091 Mago Fruit
457F8D18 10DE6AE5 092 Banji Fruit
993A779F 7028EA83 093 Ia Fruit
47A3E5BC 72EEE6BA 094 Zuri Fruit
4905C34F CA15914D 095 Burii Fruit
6C40E378 4FBCA3A5 096 Nana Fruit
17554BB6 F8F52723 097 Seshina Fruit
F6F8737C 82AE6CB9 098 Pairu Fruit
1BF36C01 090B781B 099 Zaroku Fruit
838FE733 83386B3D 09A Nekobu Fruit
5BA299A6 1D33A859 09B Taboru Fruit
136B89F7 09B6EB46 09C Rome Fruit
AFFD3CFC CF3B01E4 09D Ubu Fruit
283DB5FE F092FA9A 09E Matoma Fruit
15252161 D431B3C9 09F Mokoshi Fruit
32B0EB39 45481EAB 0A0 Gosu Fruit
02735BE4 992E8204 0A1 Rabuta Fruit
D4D256E6 A52EC3CC 0A2 Nomeru Fruit
724968B9 1C3B940C 0A3 Nowaki Fruit
D7B02B84 CFADD28D 0A4 Shiiya Fruit
8148A4E8 B756D13E 0A5 Kaisu Fruit
098893AA 2BB5D801 0A6 Dori Fruit
D42D1B2A 7EE37950 0A7 Beribu Fruit
9B874689 4977535B 0A8 Chiira Fruit
983C172C 92C07D43 0A9 Ryuga Fruit
D94A923D DF27A9F0 0AA Kamura Fruit
F7862837 A94D9AF5 0AB Yatabi Fruit
B3EFF67E 4D9AD87E 0AC Zua Fruit
59D89A17 C3C7730A 0AD San Fruit
6DF0A00E F12AB8BB 0AE Star Fruit
4CCC3AE9 495552F4 0AF Nazo Fruit
D41A8FF3 DE2160AD 0B0 ????????
56929C4C D7BC44E9 0B1 ????????
17FC2FF9 9EF1E389 0B2 ????????
6BEDDFE4 EEDA2AF2 0B3 Bright Powder
56DC1AA8 C0E6847D 0B4 White Herb
349AD5A3 8A6B5ECD 0B5 Magnificent Trainer
B453C9D2 D4AE04DD 0B6 Exp Share
A3CB5E3C 04A783F4 0B7 Quick Claw
98364632 F920D21A 0B8 Tranquil Bell
B059B6B9 FD82A3B8 0B9 Mental Herb
13E93AC8 4E0C7DE1 0BA Trouble Headband
436B7891 76B711F6 0BB King Symbol
42A689CA FEAE400B 0BC Silver Powder
B7EE894F B8AF6DE2 0BD Amulet Coin
5AEB4C56 C3A83D38 0BE Cleanse Tag
7DB2AB54 1F894442 0BF Heart Drop
55FF2343 98FAB491 0C0 Deep Sea Fang
71C272FB E53C5135 0C1 Deep Sea Scale
1EF2F36B 98D23540 0C2 Smoke Ball
539C5813 8DFF1EB3 0C3 EverStone
6D25713B 3E211EC6 0C4 Focus Band
D3CC7586 166F5137 0C5 Happy Egg
9D11B4A7 5D03C952 0C6 Focus Lens
051C8DFC 088E5C0A 0C7 Metal Coat
88F0F14C 06C3CD9B 0C8 Leftovers
029B51FD 4033A14E 0C9 Dragon Scale
3CAE1054 B8E6C59F 0CA Light Ball
61AAA93B 6A7FE812 0CB Soft Sand
3036B383 096CC295 0CC Hard Stone
1FEA56E0 FF0F5EB7 0CD Miracle Seed
5CFA7EF5 9C8AC697 0CE Black Glasses
940A1B83 A3137DE2 0CF Black Belt
DDFE6188 D84CF1F8 0D0 Magnet
F8A77C67 F5B35447 0D1 Mystic Water
26DC2571 608EF87B 0D2 Sharp Beak
A4A9206B 0EB91184 0D3 Poison Barb
28CAAB64 1ACEB8F1 0D4 Nevermelt Ice
B6914794 2FEE2266 0D5 Spell Tag
68406F09 80910A86 0D6 Twisted Spoon
3EBB21E7 8B07014F 0D7 Charcoal
E0AE000C 9C0113DD 0D8 Dragon Fang
10C69F0D 5DE3F2AE 0D9 Silk Scarf
A493E373 E3BBDE59 0DA Upgrade
C552D2D7 4F89E12C 0DB Shell Bell
AF43AFDB E7C52F18 0DC Tide Conduct
93ACC4E7 FD7AEAAB 0DD Easygoing Conduct
FF845516 D7BC5569 0DE Lucky Punch
A73FBFDB AEA42E00 0DF Metal Powder
8CE5624B 44E8EE9E 0E0 Thick Bone
87650823 11DE15C6 0E1 Long Leek
E04C6CC5 51DE8B21 0E2 ????????
622076B5 44598B76 0E3 ????????
CC27F534 07C92B81 0E4 ????????
447EAC50 53684D2C 0E5 ????????
CEEF86A4 5AF6E01B 0E6 ????????
220710B9 74EC4742 0E7 ????????
5C6C7795 02068016 0E8 ????????
26984CB1 9E1070DB 0E9 ????????
1DE6BC96 A146C3BF 0EA ????????
27759222 351FA60D 0EB ????????
7099020C D4EACB57 0EC ????????
24AD427F 2E60D19E 0ED ????????
D6B7CEC1 A746C995 0EE ????????
BF3AD033 BFD1B61C 0EF ????????
F21A01D2 5D3FC43D 0F0 ????????
C026F0A7 6B7E51F1 0F1 ????????
E56A85CB 1ED903A0 0F2 ????????
05C0BF8F 4A6F8DF9 0F3 ????????
2D20ACD6 1143B681 0F4 ????????
F4318BDC 8AEDD971 0F5 ????????
CDE8C534 C235758A 0F6 ????????
73A03E22 1097DCF2 0F7 ????????
CF749CA6 5B58AF77 0F8 ????????
A62BF06B 8A272940 0F9 ????????
A849C6FE 2D05E2D2 0FA ????????
18960F9D 86BFDC78 0FB ????????
1B8DD5DA 1D4B5FBC 0FC ????????
08C2FDB7 5C5C24A6 0FD ????????
62E93463 E29D36F1 0FE Red Bandana
3F296D41 D7A085FF 0FF Blue Bandana
01C6B597 49F71C06 100 Pink Bandana
2349F049 7A1F02DC 101 Green Bandana
B822B358 C1E2D948 102 Yellow Bandana
4241A66C 163DF4B1 103 Mach Bike
E170C83B 3B968C35 104 Coin Case
77E0417F FC7E07E4 105 ItemFinder
87504332 FEC6211C 106 Old Rod
34000669 3A0471D2 107 Good Rod
A339E769 F7C70EE4 108 Super Rod
F26059F2 2D7C7451 109 Boat Ticket
3D8D6479 AA46C366 10A Contest Pass
F9F6E538 93421C52 10B ????????
B364614C E33C057F 10C Wailmer Water
6A16373C C693DD86 10D Debon's Package
99EC217A 29D9A5E9 10E Ash Sack
945C6403 976E9943 10F Basement Key
22B168A4 328EA691 110 Dart Bike
352ACE0C 24F2F3C6 111 Porok Case
066394C4 7D293CCE 112 Letter to Daig
o F444CA88 ABDFE871 113 Infinite Ticket
9B4526B7 F799D850 114 Red Marble
A27CEB1D 2D2FED5F 115 Indigo Marble
34894209 5687B9B2 116 Locator
E4C30FF1 B7A68C3D 117 GoGoGoggles
2A334754 8B2DEFC1 118 Meteorite
F97C806F ED26C2F8 119 Key to Room 1
5CA1D47A 78FA9E98 11A Key to Room 2
F8591678 F3559EC0 11B Key to Room 4
19D09227 A74250C6 11C Key to Room 6
10354BE8 EF4C09D0 11D Key to Storeroom
AA1464A7 520EDFFF 11E Root Fossil
FC03009B F2143F59 11F Claw Fossil
7C54460B 38C28B52 120 Debon Scope
EF84DCEC DEF3A11A 121 TM01 (Fighting Punch)
BFCE688C 4DA88D45 122 TM02 (Dragon Claw)
73B3355F 8AF8B1A2 123 TM03 (Water Surge)
347E1047 FA08AC7C 124 TM04 (Meditation)
E6CE24AA 19ED95CD 125 TM05 (Roar)
D4B777A4 E582A535 126 TM06 (Toxic)
D6C6EF61 63D99473 127 TM07 (Hail)
1871F9A4 EA7D15E1 128 TM08 (Build Up)
6D9301DC BD806D29 129 TM09 (Seed Machine Gun)
F374A56F 75FDB5B9 12A TM10 (Hidden Power)
01F8FFFB 1509667B 12B TM11 (Sunny Day)
5443F305 8E3F23B9 12C TM12 (Provoke)
DA80F273 34922576 12D TM13 (Ice Beam)
1A28F124 5C987F18 12E TM14 (Blizzard)
BD3F2F2D D470645B 12F TM15 (Hyper Beam)
BD18D57F 040A5CC0 130 TM16 (Light Screen
87D3BFF2 3A03E912 131 TM17 (Protect)
B1D7ABF7 7D5C626B 132 TM18 (Rain Dance)
864059F9 4A2BC401 133 TM19 (Giga Drain)
3547ECDE EA2CAE2B 134 TM20 (Safeguard)
50EAC515 D75D47B8 135 TM21 (Frustration)
2B574236 7A5D6F67 136 TM22 (Solar Beam)
611E787B 0294CB95 137 TM23 (Iron Tail)
CE9ED943 1F4F4433 138 TM24 (Thunderbolt)
3B2E4025 08B1000F 139 TM25 (Thunder)
186165EE 0ED98F1D 13A TM26 (Earthquake)
D4BA2ED7 4A55F32A 13B TM27 (Return)
0F5D813F 1C7C517E 13C TM28 (Dig)
EAB402B2 3CE6B83C 13D TM29 (Psychic)
5AC7DDCA AAF53275 13E TM30 (Shadow Ball)
F05A4ED4 B642956F 13F TM31 (Riverbed Breaker)
601F969A 81211AE9 140 TM32 (Double Team)
8D5C4FDB C7AE68AD 141 TM33 (Reflect)
ECE1A349 14E6ED26 142 TM34 (Electric Shock)
9D364849 788525E4 143 TM35 (Flamethrower)
5DA4E9D3 9BF3B0B5 144 TM36 (Sludge Bomb)
C741131A F2E55809 145 TM37 (Sandstorm)
10348FAE E28B41BD 146 TM38 (Fire Blast)
FF0AA30D 02337125 147 TM39 (Rock Seal)
C6F7DAFE BBBDD7A6 148 TM40 (Swallow Return)
76D5ED37 21BEC84A 149 TM41 (Ichamon)
11115B1C 56C3AB2B 14A TM42 (Bravado)
5931A80B A01D6C2D 14B TM43 (Secret Power)
0B3257A5 31CC293A 14C TM44 (Rest)
6D690D35 F0043413 14D TM45 (Attract)
80326FEC 71E00CBF 14E TM46 (Thief)
EEC40B65 14A41FC7 14F TM47 (Steel Wing)
74915E92 054A9107 150 TM48 (Skill Swap)
90129A61 AB159242 151 TM49 (Snatch)
675A0D5A E264D1D1 152 TM50 (Overheat)
3646C185 5196F78C 153 HM01 (Cut)
327ED2AB 11F94565 154 HM02 (Fly)
D83FC1CB 3DF397AD 155 HM03 (Surf)
C2508EDD C9439156 156 HM04 (Strength)
A352E002 EBA811CD 157 HM05 (Flash)
7043DCA9 2BA1FF11 158 HM06 (Rock Smash)
A90E207A BE355FB8 159 HM07 (Waterfall)
F12F5BBE 2045DEBD 15A HM08 (Diving)

5. Hacki na 999 statów
[Oryginalne hacki freakgamera na]
[Dzięki dla mkeyes z za pomoc z wersją angielską]
999 for all stats
9843C0AE BAD0096D
149B5F4B 2F288CD5

9708CDBD BFD3661B
41D502BB EA21B31C
A337DD5A 7FE1A2D4
5189FAF9 8031679C
6E1C7974 4772038E

F49D738D 03E90A38
F06350B2 5B1EF1FB

E738DB25 A76931CB
EA932CE6 78F29A1B
65A024FA 04A2E697
1599136A 37C40385
02E9C766 526C461E

2gi od góry
8AD874D1 617A226F
6B2142B0 DD9E590B

5CE59110 787F1A0C
B1D80AA5 AA7A73B0
CC694E80 BF334356
09477D25 BE475EAE
4064AC9D 9829A63D

3ci od góry
C994009A 9337127C
79508C8D A1A6EA00

650F254C DD8BEC11
A9ABD4BF 398E41E3
95758A3D 2F3D4851
EE7B59A0 D888BE52

4ty od góry
8E6B7264 EF3D6485
E5146576 A88F195A

16506958 338E0BA2
F243BAE5 4597F1A7
C8208BD0 8E765A79
29D204B3 E82E0745
5B5A91EE 29ED871F

62C5BE59 46935091
7C9B623C 5C331EA0

EB5B3547 9B8994CB
5402E2CE 8AE35B6A
500D6FB6 A1AB2D36
A283771C A8E83E7C
C128B9B8 C825CA54

6. Czas
[Oryginalne Hacki: RAMS' FAQ z i]
[a także omega2k i mort z za hacki wersji angielskiej]

Kod zmiany czasu. Numer określa godzine. Te są do zmiany przypływu.
Eksperymentuj do znalezienia odpowiedniego.

Zwykły Zegar
532EA475 F9122428 - 12AM
3D24C67B 10D493A8 - 11pm
FF9E37BB 97ECB53D - 10pm
E74A4F42 64E5F923 - 9pm
3094320D 6CA012AB - 8pm
91502A97 91E35E9A - 7pm
70DE4756 EC56E98B - 6pm
10D3510A 4BD5EC3E - 5pm
153FEB3B 993BE158 - 4pm
8916CD1F 5FF479DF - 3pm
66B32612 0FB7706C - 2pm
307322F2 B1923CA6 - 1pm
D5EACE5F 5665E0B4 - 12pm
12F5C176 DF914B56 - 11am
B89E0AD5 B4092FE9 - 10am
E03BECB9 53861412 - 9am
6EF9CF6B 38D52AB3 - 8am
19ED7A57 FDF7D771 - 7am
2AF3A392 2D13A0B5 - 6am
BEC11E89 62185747 - 5am
73C623B8 73B233DB - 4am
5B0442C5 417B67E6 - 3am
AF01CCC2 05A33BBA - 2am
600082F2 7575FA6A - 1am
94D0F3BE C8D946B2 - 12am

Zegar Negatywny*
[Oryginalne Hacki - baermoon z]
BE45AD0F 04364681 - 12am
A55090BE 0114DD95 - 11pm
905A09F4 BC919459 - 10pm
44B1CC73 C77913FF - 9pm
6D35D832 E9E502AC - 8pm
AA188E9F 23AD4B27 - 7pm
54256C7F 08909377 - 6pm
F4AA17A6 1122EC84 - 5pm
607D2019 FB1F3B89 - 4pm
5E2FC5D6 7C18C1A7 - 3pm
92E13482 5B02DB79 - 2pm
2BAA0BA5 5E1C1395 - 1pm
70C76059 2F11B6AA - 12pm
43B5342B 4ABBB5D4 - 11am
6D12163A 4DCAE1CF - 10am
41C6C352 43B668AC - 9am
B65D169D 61414A87 - 8am
CC649418 FC6B3A8F - 7am
A801B268 170DDAF6 - 6am
92F0A4B0 81AC09B4 - 5am
742500AD 0F62936F - 4am
EDF027CC 06B27038 - 3am
677893A5 C049F829 - 2am
95B47568 4BB4D9E4 - 1am

Normalny zegar - reset dni do 0
[Oryginalne hacki - baermoon z]
33A40C8D 59C6FF49
CF5A4A6F 36D8EB41
E127CED5 7ADC20F7

Negatywny zegar - reset dni do 0
[Oryginalne hacki - baermoon z]
0DDE7238 800FEA76
65BDD59C C0D7F908

Use the day reset codes if you are having problems with clock codes.
The negative clock codes should be the ones that controll events in the game, however I posted both in-game clock codes just in case I'm wrong.

7. Porok codes

Porok game codes
[origional hacks by Lim Soon keat]
Porok game codes

B72B6648 E96784C6(99 perfect hit)
2A3ECC63 E0E90B29(99 hit)
31F061B1 2F14FAC8(99 miss)

Enter these before trying the porok game at the contest houses, and no matter what, you will get 99 at the end for the stat and finish first.

These are for your oponents. If the whole thing is a combined effort, then these will give them 99 stats too and should help improve your results
oponent 1
58ECF96C A4BCE2D7(99 perfect hit)
0CF30799 AC0E6310(99 hit)
C95D836E 49371E87(99 miss)

oponent 2
4129D8B0 98D9ED3A(99 perfect hit)
2AC2757A 0A45E4A7(99 hit)
4040E327 1AC7F2E7(99 miss)

lvl 80 porok
[Origional hack by xRagnarokx at]

EB10351B 0DC59FD9

lvl 255 gold porok
[origional hack by NoneofYours at]

E4C69056 DDCA0034
D01D7107 F9EAFD07
2A47E073 A44789F3
95D60131 5FA2458B

8. Full pokedex (all species, seen and caught)
[Origional hacks by pokemonhacker at and from pokemoncrystal at]

(See pokemonhacker's FAQ section)

9. Coin, ash sac, and win number codes

[origional hacks from]
[Thanx to radical Dreamer for finding the shift for the US codes]

Coin Max
2D1C9C8C 61E508A8

Ash Sack Max

Cable Battle Wins, 9999 times
CA6E79AA 235640A6

Cable Battle Losses, 9999 times
E787FDB5 07EEE3A1

Pokemon Trades, 9999 times
4D4E93A3 66306620

Battle Tower Wins, 9999 times
A703EAF0 E3D1D769

Battle Tower Trainers Beaten, 9999 people
7782BF00 E1694862

10. All badges, pokedex, and pokenavi codes
[Origional hacks courtesy of Radical dreamer of]
Here's the all badges code:

FACF57F8 E652D19D Badges only.
06667212 95166111 Badges and Have pokedex
D20C31F1 82F3CA60 Badges, Pokedex, and Pokenav

*Use the one appropriate for what you have in the game. (if you already have the pokedex, use the 2nd one. If you already have the pokenav, use the 3rd one

11. Have all PC decorations (English only)
[Origional hacks by Radical dreamer and Jaroma-ru at]

Note: some decorations may be missing. Also codes must be entered in groups and not all at once because VBA doesn't support this many codes at once.

003764BF 32C78162
5F10EB93 194E97CA
F31C1E3A C3FE49C1
EEC45CE3 121AA517
683EE4BB 254F68F3
E76ADF45 9B7F081C
1B7A3EC5 4FF9378F
19B74914 732F4F1F
59220DAA 8CE40C27
D93FC865 EA6A1465
DF597AB2 F569EB39
EB14F8B5 1678989D
C52BB4BD 45D9A071
193203E9 86A64FED
4861D864 810BFC68
0042C357 115C25FB
B5154B73 B511E2C8
97F4F70C 98912AB4
7A11CC90 E9A0DA1B
2A9C1235 DAA70B43
4E18973D E6C62BC5
FA71684D 0B7AB835
1943D636 7A2138C9
B5124912 91FA866E
2493845D 7A914169
348D4338 8C086BDE
5FFA3FC4 D0DD0401
E13F5A14 AE3AE173
7C295D52 9677F560
C8C14475 020CE498
06B515F1 476C0126
99EF11F3 91A43C08
C361CBDF 10BD9E44
7DE7F819 816C5361
856BCD49 DEFE1769
DA13C03F F93A7654
5ECB7A6F 593D816D
1B75C157 3035A5A5
297ACDA1 D5B2F59D
46344E96 AF31E00B
B47B508B 98ADBD80
041C923D 54540782
622B6C2C 11AE8E45
42F33AD8 E1F2E670
E9FF53D2 4B6A6402
1D19CB3D 9F631223
951E12AE C02D3506
4DF15CC1 CE975CE5
F4B72376 86DC1589
8E60B514 2DAD34D9
A87B1187 A2088F2E
23373ECC 66A13334
5E052DF7 60158881
3D06260A 55343BF1
A9E87336 C2E1FB1B
CFD648CE 08A48DB9
9B5288F2 F499C948
A6BDF0C9 3AA20090
2945262B 51632BC4
D09766F1 9E62673A
0D22F13B B95ED05A
D75D7511 0BC18524
C75E349E 96FF8E2B
8E6E4A8B B16C9079
145D8791 9D332704
3C0BF473 2FEB16A2
BA767C8C F8803209
6C298123 6054C927
352D0A81 0237659C

12. 99 heart scales in second slot of item pocket (for move maniac)

6CF90D40 BA56A4A2
04092081 1A1F6FAD

13. Move maniac codes
[origional hack from which is a translation of]

Here is how you use them:

1. Get heart scales
2. Go to fallarbor town and go into top left-most house where you should see a fat guy.
3. Enter code for desired move
4. Make sure you have the poke you want to teach the move to with you
5. Talk to fat guy and give him a heart scale
6. Select the poke you want to teach the move to
7. Select the top-most move on the list and teach it to the poke
8. once the poke learns the new move, check and you'll see that it actually learned the move you entered the code for.

[move list translation courtesy of pokemonhacker]
F8F9FE2F 21F4B727 000 - Empty Move
AF536358 A4F1BF11 001 - Pound
662E26C0 DF79C55E 002 - Karate Chop
2F1C8F9C B59A5E08 003 - Doubleslap
9EC5AF82 1916B815 004 - Comet Punch
E9C8E905 BB07D729 005 - Mega Punch
6D3C1078 5E5A0108 006 - Pay Day
A324B674 271F9BC7 007 - Fire Punch
03261C1D A79AB46C 008 - Ice Punch
2DC59282 D6584860 009 - Thunderpunch
33CA11E3 2EDD10A5 010 - Scratch
A94CD9A7 B3213623 011 - ViceGrip
993257F4 9A001576 012 - Guillotine
3709801E 7AE09023 013 - Razor Wind
2D33C1F2 953C122D 014 - Swords Dance
E6FDBCAA 7C2AFD51 015 - Cut
440AD37F 50FEFAC3 016 - Gust
7A44C4D3 F40AE7C4 017 - Wing Attack
B757B6AF B0C564D4 018 - Whirlwind
74A6BC49 52897A68 019 - Fly
0F611A0B 92B2A88A 020 - Bind
A21905CA CB210F21 021 - Slam
2AFC552B FAD64B6F 022 - Vine Whip
7452479A 785E792E 023 - Stomp
88A98CA5 FB3AC17A 024 - Double Kick
CAC9CD35 9D818801 025 - Mega Kick
E7BB08FB AF5F62F6 026 - Jump Kick
4A53917A 567CB69D 027 - Rolling Kick
3BA3B695 675AA2AE 028 - Sand-Attack
018F0F12 CFDDBFB8 029 - Headbutt
85B84F72 F27041BD 030 - Horn Attack
122659DD 06FD2C9A 031 - Fury Attack
27FCB966 857A91A0 032 - Horn Drill
76448459 ED87ACF5 033 - Tackle
D9BB46CE DEB824CE 034 - Body Slam
65F99D75 E022CA07 035 - Wrap
CDE7DAA3 F84038A6 036 - Take Down
118A979E C8BAD9A1 037 - Thrash
6248AC26 2C500465 038 - Double-Edge
2C42696B D40035D4 039 - Tail Whip
DD915B33 B7C71C96 040 - Poison Sting
9BEE70F4 18F3340F 041 - Twineedle
AA43799F 3FE3519B 042 - Pin Missile
A37E6359 62804DFD 043 - Leer
52168A3D FEA31E7B 044 - Bite
916CF340 85CA44E8 045 - Growl
AF913F98 BA392E5C 046 - Roar
BA978810 107DC45D 047 - Sing
0032E6B8 02423A94 048 - Supersonic
84B5AA2C C1E60D47 049 - Sonicboom
A85F0777 213A57FA 050 - Disable
074C6442 220ABF64 051 - Acid
A996461F E88372A7 052 - Ember
8CD7750B 0FD6808E 053 - Flamethrower
5ED3B29A 0F5CC6C4 054 - Mist
D14DAEAF E705281A 055 - Water Gun
109ED4A5 D38FED21 056 - Hydro Pump
80DAF8D7 540B2CB0 057 - Surf
A2694153 25E83A95 058 - Ice Beam
85B86516 7978C21A 059 - Blizzard
37BDFACD 3A77D1C0 060 - Psybeam
DCD8CB2A E5BEEF3E 061 - Bubblebeam
947F47D0 44102FD8 062 - Aurora Beam
8039A7F4 3C5E8C4E 063 - Hyper Beam
CD17531A 139AA7EC 064 - Peck
C1DBB59F 79EDAF30 065 - Drill Peck
9DB9BCCD 02251833 066 - Submission
D37D6095 6D24F21C 067 - Low Kick
57FD854B 90E10AED 068 - Counter
C1A31468 8829A33D 069 - Seismic Toss
E1E1E6E3 51C15287 070 - Strength
CD804409 BD10B113 071 - Absorb
A5C435DB F94FFAB3 072 - Mega Drain
6ABD2DA9 CF194803 073 - Leech Seed
14CCF47A 8AB0ECDA 074 - Growth
B57AC0F4 9C179B18 075 - Razor Leaf
42F371A8 C387F530 076 - Solarbeam
4176A6F8 AD3D5502 077 - Poisonpowder
A859C36F 53630023 078 - Stun Spore
59476156 6BD06AD9 079 - Sleep Powder
AA789A9F 94080799 080 - Petal Dance
B2278A05 31FD22F2 081 - String Shot
868BC3F9 8346232E 082 - Dragon Rage
873046C8 3619F940 083 - Fire Spin
A37D432A 912BFF7D 084 - Thundershock
96E06E82 AF2E6A1E 085 - Thunderbolt
48843533 D75B5539 086 - Thunder Wave
301B052E 9C0CBFB1 087 - Thunder
FA0BEA17 DAC63776 088 - Rock Throw
1FE146C1 3003F916 089 - Earthquake
2CECFBE7 44053E2F 090 - Fissure
0AD9018E 810ACF43 091 - Dig
1D852F26 1344C778 092 - Toxic
B0AABD94 336B0754 093 - Confusion
EA812FBD EF26645E 094 - Psychic
639D354E 2CBC0B79 095 - Hypnosis
4F12314F 31C0EBD2 096 - Meditate
33085161 A6740AC3 097 - Agility
F7AC1778 A5F8D577 098 - Quick Attack
D51A7C1C B11ABA02 099 - Rage
FC1455F1 7DD4381F 100 - Teleport
F517EF27 F4B924F7 101 - Night Shade
D3A76106 B5875498 102 - Mimic
18A35F31 D5094101 103 - Screech
F95B470E 884833E7 104 - Double Team
9D929356 4045209E 105 - Recover
2CD49769 870FDED6 106 - Harden
89327E45 E4418BB1 107 - Minimize
65366C7D F818F035 108 - Smokescreen
D8E1C6C6 908494AF 109 - Confuse Ray
64ABD82C 9C0ECFFC 110 - Withdraw
78F9E115 4BE6235C 111 - Defense Curl
D27E4849 651FC94A 112 - Barrier
FA06E0A2 F96D1E4A 113 - Light Screen
EF38FBAF 9F13E67E 114 - Haze
C60F6477 45B6A87B 115 - Reflect
A8C42055 695FDBB5 116 - Focus Energy
2D8E2033 FBED0B6F 117 - Bide
41A4744C F08612CE 118 - Metronome
588DA182 325559C2 119 - Mirror Move
8209000E B209E9AD 120 - Selfdestruct
88C07358 99C348F4 121 - Egg Bomb
FF450227 7785EE09 122 - Lick
44009515 12991CC3 123 - Smog
C548B09F AED2262E 124 - Sludge
6E72E030 7A4EA6FB 125 - Bone Club
F8183351 AE192C19 126 - Fire Blast
5510A1B6 1C96A7A5 127 - Waterfall
BF0B0E75 50F7C388 128 - Clamp
9DE18D55 1BE18B37 129 - Swift
34F99BC0 C2A70130 130 - Skull Bash
1BC46CEF CB63DF0E 131 - Spike Cannon
F83E8C61 2D3DFD51 132 - Constrict
19AAE9D9 997AE74D 133 - Amnesia
8D05FEE0 BFCE4FAB 134 - Kinesis
C52F2810 2F206D67 135 - Softboiled
DCD68140 4EA6D55D 136 - Hi Jump Kick
4194951F 19F41063 137 - Glare
78E0302B 81750E25 138 - Dream Eater
3007707E 1A6848BB 139 - Poison Gas
289E8298 385F71CC 140 - Barrage
E91019EC E596D71E 141 - Leech Life
539FBF92 B0C5AA9B 142 - Lovely Kiss
DC930EA7 E1E2FE43 143 - Sky Attack
5CD284DE 8390BA9B 144 - Transform
7D279F8C F3F40435 145 - Bubble
7991CF06 D5AF599E 146 - Dizzy Punch
5FD14067 175A7CCC 147 - Spore
B5D68E52 EF85CB3D 148 - Flash
0D935F9C 5338FBB2 149 - Psywave
0FC50279 D2317A58 150 - Splash
E061BA16 BF0107CD 151 - Acid Armor
B607D4E6 E191E014 152 - Crabhammer
0A9FA091 F1CC328B 153 - Explosion
00017D8F F78A68B5 154 - Fury Swipes
08AF7ABA 27EEE84A 155 - Bonemerang
351F33E3 DBCF8C44 156 - Rest
A94DD28D 11F5D153 157 - Rock Slide
691E0C28 71EF2A9C 158 - Hyper Fang
9728756E 4C5B4F4A 159 - Sharpen
002F4B3B 3B071AEF 160 - Conversion
D72BBB66 29C53ABC 161 - Tri Attack
53CE9865 EAD6FA18 162 - Super Fang
0EF21E06 3E6A35D4 163 - Slash
123C702B D65F3C11 164 - Substitute
E6138EEE 2C57F670 165 - Struggle
93229C4F 5E409E8C 166 - Sketch
C50EE3C7 770C45EA 167 - Triple Kick
45FFA8C9 D7FE225D 168 - Thief
B18D4DA6 A5DA8355 169 - Spider Web
CB89B92D 1D76DF0D 170 - Mind Reader
4A188019 8F1D517F 171 - Nightmare
1FF5E6FA 6A162F2A 172 - Flame Wheel
E25AB755 B02FCB8A 173 - Snore
DF14B9CB E4546E1B 174 - Curse
C0BC61FF A09A9316 175 - Flail
13AADABB 589E47F4 176 - Conversion 2
FBDCC0FE 6E146F91 177 - Aeroblast
5DA31FFB AC06DF54 178 - Cotton Spore
FFAE0089 F380DEBC 179 - Reversal
57360694 9A8F439F 180 - Spite
E33BA067 8C4EDD58 181 - Powder Snow
981653C8 D5212B8B 182 - Protect
789F5CD8 52C4FF99 183 - Mach Punch
0B4A07B0 30C05A3C 184 - Scary Face
B415B262 D6425157 185 - Faint Attack
B2F90115 BD51E9DE 186 - Sweet Kiss
FF72794D D67BA341 187 - Belly Drum
E0612575 64559B41 188 - Sludge Bomb
38E18B8B 1F7B8190 189 - Mud-Slap
AE10ABBA A2319D19 190 - Octazooka
9C790436 C6A56C72 191 - Spikes
AF42C181 E0DDD42A 192 - Zap Cannon
3A2B7BCB 7B253259 193 - Foresight
A2790367 0794E437 194 - Destiny Bond
57A8754E A6B291BA 195 - Perish Song
6441522E 33DC426F 196 - Icy Wind
4BFFB2E1 6756AAEC 197 - Detect
42A43F9A 1677BEB7 198 - Bone Rush
DE9AFAA6 71152075 199 - Lock-On
04E07D14 75531DA0 200 - Outrage
6B05A1BF 11568CDA 201 - Sandstorm
C9C5408D CA158DEC 202 - Giga Drain
8D885EB3 4A77263B 203 - Endure
AC96D62F AF84E9A5 204 - Charm
781ECE04 BC1D795D 205 - Rollout
F596E98D 774227ED 206 - False Swipe
C688CAE7 10A80EE8 207 - Swagger
8DBBCC48 F9466A6B 208 - Milk Drink
FA5D6FC1 456751A5 209 - Spark
D7D38492 672B1DD6 210 - Fury Cutter
C1559879 FBB054D4 211 - Steel Wing
A05B6AB0 0D2CA6C8 212 - Mean Look
9D8950D4 4300D7F5 213 - Attract
9A701D9F 678C4C4B 214 - Sleep Talk
146DAA68 92644E09 215 - Heal Bell
ECA2F0C1 7EE3E4E2 216 - Return
6688F058 DB5A646E 217 - Present
BAF7199A EC0EB084 218 - Frustration
599D4545 D22BD2AA 219 - Safeguard
86AA0D2B CC120F89 220 - Pain Split
035345E3 704A816C 221 - Sacred Fire
4E6A815B F4DD9B66 222 - Magnitude
97A16296 B1E940DB 223 - Dynamicpunch
67D0F9A1 BD8415AD 224 - Megahorn
C53C39A4 F022632E 225 - Dragonbreath
D65E7B4C A5C81544 226 - Baton Pass
B6D30E21 2FE0ADE1 227 - Encore
B5C4A6C6 A99B9D9E 228 - Pursuit
E671FA3D 13EB4DBB 229 - Rapid Spin
41AC4211 CFED51FB 230 - Sweet Scent
29EEAC77 97771240 231 - Iron Tail
1F58852E CB67EC71 232 - Metal Claw
D3F474F4 B34B8CE5 233 - Vital Throw
79B93556 E3215C41 234 - Morning Sun
A89E27E8 81AE5703 235 - Synthesis
5D24D174 0F93DA95 236 - Moonlight
D0E0A339 14AD9B7E 237 - Hidden Power
38A3E576 C93F4F93 238 - Cross Chop
11DB51A8 9AFB1D09 239 - Twister
6EDAA00E F4972FED 240 - Rain Dance
49E66F28 0C44A5D4 241 - Sunny Day
65520C7A F808194D 242 - Crunch
8392B6D4 63157D49 243 - Mirror Coat
C9134FBC C402A5F1 244 - Psych Up
B4D936A8 EF17C45D 245 - Extremespeed
6054E984 36A92C49 246 - Ancientpower
83F93930 43F39EBF 247 - Shadow Ball
3F46F5D8 B5F9E8DE 248 - Future Sight
BDA4C542 CAB2D6D8 249 - Rock Smash
5DCD35E8 65301578 250 - Whirlpool
57C3D288 3DA2A7DD 251 - Beat Up
C4DC2353 75875404 252 - Fake Out
4D20F1B1 9558EF26 253 - Uproar
D0886CCF DF5A3389 254 - Stockpile
ABD40E8F 0473B9C8 255 - Spit Up
09384623 2BB9FD71 256 - Swallow
2906CE56 07063E9D 257 - Heat Wave
294B3594 F94D886D 258 - Hail
05A3B8CE A179C527 259 - Tornment
B98D942B FB1D53D0 260 - Flatters
E925FB3F 8906A8CF 261 - Will-O-Wisp
33AFBDE8 67A45E06 262 - Memento
C0BE09A5 7CB172E1 263 - Facade
D622D71A A5880E55 264 - Focus Punch
CD02DDF7 25C896D4 265 - Smellingsalt
7C362FD7 E8EBACCE 266 - Follow Me
6DEC458D 2E795ADE 267 - Nature Power
C11851C1 80C84060 268 - Charge
D6EBE6E1 7E1779F3 269 - Taunt
FB0EFFA2 DE9C1575 270 - Helping Hand
2AFF7C62 9CDB7D3B 271 - Trick
8DE6779B 26D2893A 272 - Role Play
E94E58CE 7C2DC62D 273 - Wish
D404434C 1F15BC9D 274 - Assist
7CBFCAD9 A1573C09 275 - Ingrain
A3855CCD C9FB3CCB 276 - Superpower
B5371AEA A4BF212E 277 - Magic Coat
98464B10 B0BC1E68 278 - Recycle
33A64B52 66EF891E 279 - Revenge
E036AE62 4FC5FD97 280 - Brick Break
37779FB7 51BF6129 281 - Yawn
101F1B74 48704842 282 - Knowk Off
D6CD7125 61507C40 283 - Endeavor
453CD141 10BCD868 284 - Eruption
D901AAAC 4E9A4754 285 - Skill Swap
4B0CDD57 670F2ECE 286 - Imprison
942A8845 6FCCDAB0 287 - Refresh
A66BCF12 81B994F2 288 - Grudge
B0A00306 B9229028 289 - Snatch
8FDA52A8 07E0BE23 290 - Secret Power
7580A2D9 47862666 291 - Dive
9AE90AFE C682750E 292 - Arm Thrust
58306888 25610B40 293 - Camouflage
13FBC526 07BBFCE2 294 - Tail Glow
F175EA00 DE26D4CD 295 - Luster Purge
524922EB 6F82FBCE 296 - Mist Ball
19190803 4773DA70 297 - Featherdance
06A904AB 4ABD25C6 298 - Teeter Dance
71588FDE 89E15B38 299 - Blaze Kick
0D4B1A18 A799831F 300 - Mud Sport
74F34042 A55BD366 301 - Ice Ball
20164143 F9685C9B 302 - Needle Arm
FD0F1430 DD2716FD 303 - Slack Off
B7D746D7 24E949DC 304 - Hyper Voice
6B8CC006 DF5436FC 305 - Poison Fang
EDECE8F3 9F72F6B0 306 - Crush Claw
81648070 978B4000 307 - Blast Burn
17DECF7F EE7EE9AE 308 - Hydro Cannon
58E6D7C4 5EAF8702 309 - Meteor Mash
10AF8B29 7A6253E9 310 - Astonish
4CE56262 C5E7412D 311 - Weather Ball
A16961DC 8B61CA64 312 - Aromatherapy
9426FAAC A60B022F 313 - Fake Tears
F14FA21D C1588DF6 314 - Air Cutter
F3FA63CD 95942F27 315 - Overheat
61867CF3 B4B7C8C1 316 - Odor Sleuth
C0007F11 78A91A63 317 - Rock Tomb
9B5CFEA4 B78FADB3 318 - Silver Wind
4095C217 44C01D69 319 - Metal Sound
3D459F90 88BA8ED4 320 - Grasswhistle
68F5AD08 ABE1C80A 321 - Tickle
63B3B87B 910D5B2C 322 - Cosmic Power
92D8B9E7 E4BE36EA 323 - Water Spout
89802CF3 B9D1FC08 324 - Signal Beam
9EF2FDF3 28327183 325 - Shadow Punch
FF43F61D 5EB36DFF 326 - Extrasensory
EBAF9D53 34A7F8F1 327 - Sky Uppercut
A231AFB4 20579023 328 - Sand Tomb
91277448 D28D1456 329 - Sheer Cold
F14A02A2 E4199865 330 - Muddy Water
ED5FD2B9 380F103C 331 - Bullet Seed
613500C1 11945224 332 - Aerial Ace
0B297B0C F1F1FF51 333 - Icicle Spear
A38551EC 49CEC239 334 - Iron Defense
34A6440A D19B604D 335 - Block
01E3A63A 9C89656B 336 - Howl
500403C2 036889DA 337 - Dragon Claw
45B6DB93 02322022 338 - Frenzy Plant
149C3CB7 3E220922 339 - Bulk Up
72ABD1C7 AD1CA736 340 - Bounce
5589834A 2F2D13BC 341 - Mud Shot
AD2BB52E 4C8B7BCB 342 - Poison Tail
1931B43F 3219C5B5 343 - Covet
8B0773A6 729ACAC3 344 - Volt Tackle
D82FBDAE E9FEBBE9 345 - Magical Leaf
8F4E6DFE C76C535F 346 - Water Sport
CE10CECF 0C787895 347 - Calm Mind
44FDCDC1 07FC432A 348 - Leaf Blade
A369A0F9 4C18A62D 349 - Dragon Dance
290286EA 7C7912A9 350 - Rock Blast
F0A0E8E7 DC255F4C 351 - Shock Wave
F1C680A1 DF188961 352 - Water Pulse
FB2AD2A0 25A8B85E 353 - Doom Desire
01CB74D4 F83CED62 354 - Psycho Boost

14. Safari zone codes
[origional hacks by Nonofyours at]

Safari zone infinite steps.
When you wanna get out turn the code off and walk a few steps
27E4C76C 925C042E

infinite safari balls

15. Battle rate codes
[origional hacks by radical dreamer at]

Quick Battle start

*You know how when you get into a battle, it does that music and flashes the screen a few times before the battle starts? Well this removes the few flashes and jumps right into the fade-in part of the battle start sequence.


No random battles
BE0BA801 5694A162

16. Full light in dark caves code
[Origional hack by Jaroma-ru at]


17. One hit kill codes
[Origional hacks by blackice at]

68D210B5 4D1CF662

IV. Pokemonhacker's and Loading's FAQ

Here is the most accurate set of codes found to date. All credit for finding them goes to pokemonhacker and Loading. I've been given special permission to include their FAQ within my own FAQ from Pokemonhacker himself.

Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire USA AR/GSA Codes FAQ
Ver 1.5

0. Version History, Copyrights & Special Notes.

1. Action Replay / Gameshark Codes.

1.0 Master Codes.

1.1 Gender & Max Genes Codes.

1.1.1 Always Male/Female Codes.
1.1.2 Always Maxed Genes Codes.

1.2 Pokémon Encounter Codes.

1.2.1 Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes.
1.2.2 Wild Pokemon's Level Modifier Codes.

1.3 Item & TH/HM Moves Codes.

1.3.1 Unlimited Items Code.
1.3.2 Make Pokémons learn any TM-HM Codes.
1.3.3 Make HM Moves erasable Code.

1.4 Miscellanous Codes.

1.4.1 Unlock Full Pokedex Codes.
1.4.2 Mirage Island Code.
1.4.3 Southern Island Event Codes.
1.4.4 Feebas's Tiles Code.
1.4.5 All badges, Pokedex, Pokenavi... Code.
1.4.6 Money Code.
1.4.7 Walk Through Walls Code.
1.4.8 Secret Trainer ID Codes.
1.4.9 All Pokémon in Pokedex Codes.
1.4.10 All Trainer in Trainer's Eyes Codes.
1.4.11 Share Experience After Battle Codes.
1.4.12 Trainer Card's Stars Codes.
1.4.13 Trainer Card's Back Codes.

2. Thanks.

0. Version History, Copyrights & Special Notes.

V1.0 : 1st release.
V1.1 : Made some corrections, added Secret Trainer ID and All Pokemon in Pokedex Codes.
V1.2 : Added Trainer's Eyes Codes.
V1.3 : Added Share Experience After Battle Codes.
V1.4 : Added Trainer Card's Stars and Trainer Card's Back Codes.

This document is (c)2003 by Pokemonhacker and loading/pika ([email protected]).
We worked hard to create these codes so please dont steal them!
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. If you plan to use theses codes in your FAQ/Website, give credits where it's due. And we do NOT authorize people to use these codes for any commercial use.

Special Note 1 : All these codes are in Action Replay / Gameshark format, and work for both Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire games. Most of these codes use a feathure that exists ONLY in the Action Replay / Gameshark. That means these codes won't likely be ported to CBA (Code Breaker Advance), unless they upgrade their device...

Special Note 2 : We put some informations about Nintendo being able to spot if you hacked the game. If you plan to Link you game to the NGC, or transfer Pokémons with the next Pokémon game, don't use codes that Nintendo can spot. Remember : cheating is bad :)

1. Action Replay / Gameshark Codes.

1.0 Master Codes.

You have to enter these codes in your Action Replay / Gameshark in order to use the other codes of these FAQ.

Pokemon Ruby Master Code :
9E6AC862 823AB7A8
46B7D9E4 A709E9E1

Pokemon Sapphire Master Code:
9E6AC862 823AB7A8
8365F8FA 817CF3E9

1.1 Gender & Max Genes Codes.

1.1.1 Always Male/Female Codes.

Enter one of these codes and you'll set the gender of the next wild Pokémon you'll see (if it has any gender or course).
Note : It can still be Shiny, but with a chance of 1/8192.

If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pokémon has been hacked.

Always Female Pokémons Code :


Always Male Pokémons Code :


1.1.2 Always Maxed Genes Codes.

Max genes for wild Pokémons:


Note: You can enter any one of these 7 codes to max out one specific gene, however, we don't know which line does what yet, so experiment away!

1.2 Pokémon Encounter Codes.

1.2.1 Wild Pokémon Modifier Codes.

Once you've enter one code, you'll encounter only one kind of Pokémon, until you reload your game. Theses codes work with the wild Pokémons you encounter by walking in the grass, walking in the caves, and surfing (that means it won't work for fishing).

This codes will only make you fight "old" Pokémons. We might add new Pokémons later...

Note 1 : In case you didn't notice, the Pokémons are listed using the old Pokédex numbers.

Note 2 : Never activate two of these codes at the same time!

If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pokémon has been hacked.

Remove - Use this for the game to act normally. This will fix problems with wild poke codes not turning off after being removed. disble the wild poke code you are using and then enter and enable these codes and it random battles will go back to normal.

Thank you again labmaster!
FF57AEB3 C8992DF9
45216134 ED3AEB49
492A7105 38EDD2D9

001 - Bulbasaur
C7715E5D 4B03490C

002 - Ivysaur
AC386FDC E1057B11

003 - Venusaur
6C0E650D 9151DC36

004 - Charmander
86FC5D2E 2AB49BE7

005 - Charmeleon
8EF2FF70 229DABA2

006 - Charizard
5F4739E5 94A6717F

007 - Squirtle
F18A71B3 474EF1FF

008 - Wartortle
600C15C9 7A07635B

009 - Blastoise
9DAC9AE7 0802D361

010 - Caterpie
32D2BE30 1538D5E2

011 - Metapod
AF02EDC2 534F3FF1

012 - Butterfree
3D94CBE7 806B75AA

013 - Weedle
0F029558 78490C5D

014 - Kakuna
2C901485 96BF028B

015 - Beedrill
4CD61B87 F05305C0

016 - Pidgey

017 - Pidgeotto
B5A3B324 4A2ABD7E

018 - Pidgeot
ED21FD83 4D34C446

019 - Rattata
3F2FF398 386736A6

020 - Raticate
CBB024C3 3D4E94CF

021 - Spearow
D50BE2E3 E9AC080B

022 - Fearow
1B5E43BD 9713080E

023 - Ekans
9746090A 9B13D34A

024 - Arbok
E8B3D478 7DB12D1A

025 - Pikachu
76575913 837E7434

026 - Raichu
44DC4643 2E37823B

027 - Sandshrew
A90E5784 8E3070F2

028 - Sandslash
DB655BDA 4885F2BA

029 - Nidoran Female
D9862183 3DC52ADF

030 - Nidorina
34046638 0412FF7B

031 - Nidoqueen
A4115F36 A58D2F6E

032 - Nidoran Male
115EE33A 047E08D9

033 - Nidorino

034 - Nidoking
83AF0E64 308DCF7A

035 - Clefairy
0A960AD3 2D88FB71

036 - Clefable
A245B05B DBA62586

037 - Vulpix
E9243AE6 0707C461

038 - Ninetales
8B104BC5 3BBB0554

039 - Jigglypuff
9D6FDEB5 9E31E1D8

040 - Wigglytuff

041 - Zubat
A5F54B47 43289103

042 - Golbat
3955CE26 1CBBE2B7

043 - Oddish
FD90C5C2 2B982804

044 - Gloom
191292AD 8DA00EED

045 - Vileplume
7B389B12 790FFF7D

046 - Paras
28F47730 F2BE0E37

047 - Parasect
8F320452 F34DE558

048 - Venonat
CC91885B A7BDA5D0

049 - Venomoth
7498F3A3 7D8DE734

050 - Diglett
4E0E0953 99832EC7

051 - Dugtrio

052 - Meowth
4107EE54 59F45AC6

053 - Persian
574E9E37 CF91E972

054 - Psyduck
10CAB90D FBA1D606

055 - Golduck
E668AE7B 6C41ABE6

056 - Mankey
16FE1028 9A936148

057 - Primeape
29B920D4 925D9207

058 - Growlithe
22B7647C F5951FC0

059 - Arcanine
C997ECED 821D7BE8

060 - Poliwag
DDCAE2B2 48356075

061 - Poliwhirl
7522AE0F 219A6D01

062 - Poliwrath
9895E708 49248155

063 - Abra
8EE6264B 7FA5506A

064 - Kadabra

065 - Alakazam
A52F239F 157183AA

066 - Machop
754794BB 393FBB5E

067 - Machoke
596DD0CA 422404AF

068 - Machamp
D03BF772 85346D77

069 - Bellsprout
0E6E78BE 6553B936

070 - Weepinbell
29CC9E0E F1D7F477

071 - Victreebel
D1797B9B BC093A3F

072 - Tentacool

073 - Tentacruel
B3106F93 C70F4300

074 - Geodude

075 - Graveler
33202BC8 4B640AB3

076 - Golem
981E5643 20350C5C

077 - Ponyta
3EBEFE1E A8493773

078 - Rapidash
3D7098F8 603A63BA

079 - Slowpoke
33AD5E4E 1F464A59

080 - Slowbro
14A9A5E7 3C6D8285

081 - Magnemite

082 - Magneton
A772B75B C41A2001

083 - Farfetch'd
0AD10269 00EF2DDC

084 - Doduo
C86D9E0A D50F5094

085 - Dodrio

086 - Seel
0C2314C9 19D3DAD8

087 - Dewgong
E4A84A01 E8F5F70B

088 - Grimer
1C079E02 0E278333

089 - Muk
88E7528B 4EDE64E8

090 - Shellder
1EA5B82C 6AE3C655

091 - Cloyster
6D655CDB 8564F3D6

092 - Gastly
5F526032 B3FFFCE0

093 - Haunter
973AB5D9 C4DD3650

094 - Gengar
EA51AA85 C39E59D4

095 - Onix
43CBABBB B7155781

096 - Drowzee
BA6D6DF7 DE9213D6

097 - Hypno
E4A57331 BFD72F7E

098 - Krabby
3F1B3D68 D4401611

099 - Kingler
93F26FDC 1621EFBB

100 - Voltorb

101 - Electrode
BA4A7DEE B6786158

102 - Exeggcute
771695BD 9D8BE844

103 - Exeggutor
84689B70 FD33AE82

104 - Cubone
AF9A5643 17D23C50

105 - Marowak
B3A12885 D5D4DA48

106 - Hitmonlee
29025DA4 6C67823C

107 - Hitmonchan
513811EA EFBC54A8

108 - Lickitung
5E065A17 4F8282B0

109 - Koffing
3B75EE99 1DE0E837

110 - Weezing
4878DB3C EA7C31E1

111 - Rhyhorn

112 - Rhydon
195DB2BB A4007417

113 - Chansey
98A9EF2F D4933FE0

114 - Tangela
B1510A8B 506644ED

115 - Kangaskhan

116 - Horsea
A4EBBAA4 72E72233

117 - Seadra

118 - Goldeen
F29255BC BB65E9A6

119 - Seaking
C0BF93BB DF9273D4

120 - Staryu
3B32D430 49596504

121 - Starmie
56831CCB 1A47A4DC

122 - Mr.Mime
9FC25570 19FFADC8

123 - Scyther
C4C02E8B CB6C0843

124 - Jynx
E9B19520 9876042D

125 - Electabuzz
EE7D62E6 377677A7

126 - Magmar
608711AD 052765EC

127 - Pinsir
52518024 0E93A551

128 - Tauros
3ED3C52A 46C14BD1

129 - Magikarp
7C77F189 2570754C

130 - Gyarados
EA48F528 76018F4F

131 - Lapras
24D3EE0E 404F7B3D

132 - Ditto
5FD5479B 25F61E5C

133 - Eevee
6817CACB B3725546

134 - Vaporeon
418E4169 4A61E666

135 - Jolteon
67F9841D E968DA3D

136 - Flareon
B6691108 227D02B3

137 - Porygon
D763E945 C958628C

138 - Omanyte

139 - Omastar
F01152ED 876CFF58

140 - Kabuto
F86734D5 046D3F8F

141 - Kabutops
92255918 3F823AF8

142 - Aerodactyl

143 - Snorlax
65B08809 FC26812C

144 - Articuno
9F9A4317 19B26CE8

145 - Zapdos
9C30E2E2 1F157234

146 - Moltres
A265FB70 5EAE2980

147 - Dratini
52F5EC2D DDD29409

148 - Dragonair
F4BD50DA 1B890A51

149 - Dragonite
B67EB199 4491FC62

150 - Mewtwo
30621E6F 164FED85

151 - Mew
71E09BD1 17FDFD02

152 - Chikorita
025F2921 710FE9F1

153 - Bayleef
FEDD6E75 8BF7942D

154 - Meganium
09C6FA0D 4F0F5773

155 - Cyndaquil
F3595519 C41CB89F

156 - Quilava
B962659C FD1C1893

157 - Typhlosion
4281A040 0FD71E37

158 - Totodile
658B55E6 01699F03

159 - Croconaw
7171EB15 E4ADEA22

160 - Feraligatr
918632C3 9DDE2DBB

161 - Sentret
6BC6D188 3A1559EB

162 - Furret
D8607109 AD28DB09

163 - Hoothoot
78A0CD57 9A371B1F

164 - Noctowl
FBDBF52B 3623B52C

165 - Ledyba
50757C7A A393D46A

166 - Ledian
349C7EAC 1092228D

167 - Spinarak
1BCCE898 36AE52D4

168 - Ariados
F5044794 6C4C5098

169 - Crobat

170 - Chinchou
741082FC 8EF7B960

171 - Lanturn
13534CCF 5BB92C8C

172 - Pichu

173 - Cleffa
586090DB 2EAC760B

174 - Igglybuff

175 - Togepi
F656D521 4B02FC73

176 - Togetic
53F6DE66 941BAC84

177 - Natu
F4462DB1 AF5C874E

178 - Xatu
51CAB730 0E9283C0

179 - Mareep
B3323FA4 00976EED

180 - Flaaffy
3FE2F064 BB639BA3

181 - Ampharos
03DB2EDA F1498315

182 - Bellossom
EE1B4201 DA9C6E71

183 - Marill
76ECA4FF 35F8C4F9

184 - Azumarill
24A67695 0E972009

185 - Sudowoodo
8A0F695E 0306DC83

186 - Politoed
5BA115A0 3330A906

187 - Hoppip
3BED40A5 C056C098

188 - Skiploom
A200463B D753895E

189 - Jumpluff
4A91807F 7E5AE2BC

190 - Aipom
8F7B8FA5 51BE6519

191 - Sunkern
BCD70C60 DC720840

192 - Sunflora
EA4F4358 A731A363

193 - Yanma
7D316ADF 4B760643

194 - Wooper
91166348 E9B56CFC

195 - Quagsire
6E59C1C9 60930723

196 - Espeon
B33E1632 D7F709D0

197 - Umbreon
E6FCAD89 AF77B153

198 - Murkrow
F3BA401D 74110D94

199 - Slowking
D7E57A96 CC7B875E

200 - Misdreavus
38744E79 1BFB4656

201 - Unown

202 - Wobbuffet
1922B64C 93A475E6

203 - Girafarig
AFD25289 DC56A0CD

204 - Pineco
AB82F0EE 7D884FB9

205 - Foretress

206 - Dunsparce
E5355F5F 23DE47E9

207 - Gligar
D48A22E1 A90FC70A

208 - Steelix
E5181BD8 7D70413E

209 - Snubbull
5EB71E4A 7E4F4C2B

210 - Granbull
D2F305AD 7D077739

211 - Qwilfish
7148B7F0 D8D53003

212 - Scizor
FA2F872F B24A679F

213 - Shuckle
919B1A5D 72F996F6

214 - Heracross
088236A9 C6933F92

215 - Sneasel
663BCF6F E0AC9C73

216 - Teddiursa
4536DAC4 19FE88AB

217 - Ursaring
5668474A F3AEF7A9

218 - Slugma
2B169F23 E11514BC

219 - Magcargo
20CBDC4C 87541E08

220 - Swinub
432D0CD9 868F6A6A

221 - Piloswine
1AEE78F1 D6412BED

222 - Corsola
E3CBB814 F78A0FF1

223 - Remoraid
4D675931 31AC8869

224 - Octillery
9202ED83 F6B41A95

225 - Delibird
8C2E6741 D5F172A4

226 - Mantine
F554A963 EDA859B6

227 - Skarmory
7E5EFBAA F9D18289

228 - Houndour
A99587CC A49BC248

229 - Houndoom
7FCE2C26 38425484

230 - Kingdra
FB5F56E3 F2427C25

231 - Phanpy
8F5688F4 58987C65

232 - Donphan

233 - Porygon2
F24D3963 1DE32FEB

234 - Stantler
F289D907 2638EA9B

235 - Smeargle
36066CF9 66A42091

236 - Tyrogue
057BFEC0 7D24A566

237 - Hitmontop
A5C5D439 AE264439

238 - Smoochum
D035F687 52B30C9D

239 - Elekid
C5D22480 A2CCC775

240 - Magby
C6A84B78 810CD4FC

241 - Miltank
A454BB28 1CEC3F83

242 - Blissey
0160D183 A2A2A1B6

243 - Raikou

244 - Entei
ACE71E49 475ACE5A

245 - Suicune
0C0BC2BE 64E725C6

246 - Larvitar
4C3FD6DD A72A38D9

247 - Pupitar
C9AC6A5E 6A92796A

248 - Tyranitar
D9A33817 C2429A0C

249 - Lugia
E57F3F78 64F944D0

250 - Ho-oh
92BB8BD9 629E2D58

251 - Celebi

Note about all the new species: These are 3-line type-6 codes so they may not work on a real GBA and GSA. They only work on emulators as far as we know. We will continue to search for species mod which will work on real GBAs.
[code translations by labmaster ]

Wild Pokemon Modifier Codes by Labmaster
[email protected]
Thanks to Pokemonhacker and Loading who hacked the JAP version of these codes, these are the US version codes though, hacked by ME.Note: They're Type 6 GSA, meaning you have to reload the cartridge to nullify they're effect,resetting won't help. Report any errors to the address above.

252 - Treecko
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
5BAE22AD 8F7D3013

253 - Grovyle
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
21F8BC36 6CC818B7

254 - Sceptile
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
5157CACF 5EB25845

255 - Torchic
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
9DB4C319 8219060A

256 - Combusken
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

257 - Blaziken
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
4A44AC2E D6B438D5

258 - Mudkip
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2E050694 11BC05B3

259 - Marshtomp
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
29BA2D42 D510FFBA

260 - Swampert
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
B8C7D72F 087B6595

261 - Poochyena
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
99A5DB56 D3F68AE7

262 - Mightyena
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
37A90703 F49DE0B4

263 - Zigzagoon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
CBA3EA03 92726DCC

264 - Linoone
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

265 - Wurmple
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C3DA6AFF 0F7B7083

266 - Silcoon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8183477E E90ADD46

267 - Beautifly
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
3866C190 031535DD

268 - Cascoon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
0A70DC56 17BA6B8E

269 - Dustox
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
72F95810 DB6FB4EF

270 - Lotad
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2D5A7BBB 525EF393

271 - Lombre
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
A755369B 4BD7F6F1

272 - Ludicolo
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
A20A4542 D79124D0

273 - Seedot
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
DB37D9E1 B8BA4066

274 - Nuzleaf
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
189F92E1 D21F4478

275 - Shiftry
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8DC39BCF 3F710E3E

276 - Nincada
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
55513D19 9B3DE2D4

277 - Ninjask
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
957DE792 C4607DA8

278 - Shedinja
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
665C2F42 369D779C

279 - Taillow
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
451597F6 A1578DD9

280 - Swellow
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
1DA4F7E6 F247F39A

281 - Shroomish
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C5FFADC8 45F66362

282 - Breloom
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
1D47A9C6 0524F0F7

283 - Wingull
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
BB0893DA 002DE3DF

284 - Spinda
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
55429ABD 95D438C4

285 - Pelipper
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
1DB3DE68 672324D6

286 - Surskit
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C246C624 FDB5125D

287 - Masquerain
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
BB6A3047 431DFCFF

288 - Wailmer
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
6870774E DCCF5C26

289 - Wailord
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
A36ED36F 10EDDF89

290 - Skitty
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D7DF0A98 8D70EB4D

291 - Delcatty
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
601F8154 A460B6A7

292 - Kecleon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C07D2D07 5B6C82F2

293 - Baltoy
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
90AF0D84 1C4A45C9

294 - Claydol
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

295 - Nosepass
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C446CE3B 97CD0DC3

296 - Torkoal
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
F85BC8EB 7CF30E57

297 - Sableye
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
17592A4C 2C72F873

298 - Barboatch
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D99B190D CB5C3255

299 - Whiscash
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
B964DDC5 3615D4B1

300 - Luvdisc
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
938CB852 F9BB4D41

301 - Corphish
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

302 - Lobstar
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2E666CF3 32395439

303 - Feebas
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D884D952 82F6FD48

304 - Miltotic
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8F700F62 2CA08221

305 - Carvanha
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
B5A578B4 6F1B591B

306 - Sharpedo
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C62B8458 0FC8B29A

307 - Trapinch
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
F406B320 0DAA38F6

308 - Vibrava
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
007CC333 1A7F8A4A

309 - Flygon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
B0248945 3BC0030F

310 - Makuhita
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
E1F4794A 887F06BF

311 - Hariteyama
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
53D971FF 007FAAEB

312 - Electrike
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
4E39C71B 8B168004

313 - Manectric
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
3A4F2D33 CBF5A1B4

314 - Numel
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D2583A42 5BE8CB0E

315 - Camerupt
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

316 - Spheal
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D4515AC1 7C2BD132

317 - Sealeo
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
CE85182F FEAF53F9

318 - Walrein
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C6B2B122 6711B417

319 - Beldum
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C4741BAE 97124E11

320 - Cacnea
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
7D2A47BB 332D52F3

321 - Cacturne
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2817970A E0F6D0E4

322 - Snorunt
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
CB8E1E83 8A0B06FF

323 - Glalie
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

324 - Lunatone
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D2CE7A4B 797F7E89

325 - Solrock
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

326 - Azurill
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8EA4FCB9 3A913D4D

327 - Spoink
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8F6C9E12 CB96CE33

328 - Grumpig
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
84F62866 9F914B8B

329 - Plusle
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
AC9122B2 6257AAE0

330 - Minun
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
FC8A82EA 704658D9

331 - Mawile
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
E9D1D488 00D975CA

332 - Meditite
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
85B4AF9A 41D7B768

333 - Medicham
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
0DA20954 262C11C0

334 - Swablu
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
E4829340 74AE24CA

335 - Altaria
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
4A9EBB58 037F6B34

336 - Wynaut
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
BD8E35D5 CF92A431

337 - Duskull
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
359F5186 1F36099C

338 - Dusclops
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
B0DA39C5 05276564

339 - Roselia
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
0F8A29BA 2C2D1529

340 - Slakoth
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
B3EE2817 89EA6EFC

341 - Vigoroth
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2B48952F 978365BD

342 - Slaking
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
179DCADE C474D278

343 - Gulpin
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
0A684345 81A60674

344 - Swalot
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

345 - Tropius
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D521BFDA F306CE43

346 - Wishur
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
67E17F19 5D6EDD71

347 - Loudred
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
A587A72A CAA20267

348 - Exploud
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
944B4BE8 D05C678B

349 - Clamperl
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
5669AB79 CAF18B71

350 - Huntail
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
0F1B5F6C 7656C3B9

351 - Borebyss
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2CC860EC D40C584F

352 - Absol
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
5DBF2FCF 30E8F421

353 - Shuppet
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8E732451 F6EF7BA4

354 - Banette
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
6E2ED8A0 24431D98

355 - Seviper
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8CEF1F80 060461DD

356 - Zangoose
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
7B29CACC D014F65D

357 - Relicanth
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
6557E79B 19945642

358 - Aron
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
D4EFF5BB 1311E2E8

359 - Lairon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
9F727E48 188E88D7

360 - Aggron
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
528A0B97 1B7D1DB1

361 - Castform
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
BC71207B 319D605F

362 - Volbeat
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
6D88B6F9 68D141AB

363 - Illumise
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
4BEFDC30 B4192001

364 - Lileep
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
A87F5761 834F0FF9

365 - Cradily
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
761FA58F 0C669A85

366 - Anorith
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C68621E0 CE91EAF2

367 - Armaldo
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149

368 - Ralts
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
9B8D1405 198957C8

369 - Kirlia
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
2BE7AED3 B9751EC5

370 - Gardevoir
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
7BC26643 F6351EA3

371 - Bagon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
5CFB59B9 D08C1A10

372 - Shellgon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
F683728D A1CB7A38

373 - Salamence
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
662DB4A0 150278A5

374 - Metang
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
72B850FD 79DE57D2

375 - Metagross
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
E62FCE6B 99A4823D

376 - Regirock
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
CE51186D 3686F6D2

377 - Regice
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
6F5F7F3E FEA00143

378 - Registeel
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
349C4821 49728D68

379 - Kyogre
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
9EFEC4E6 F24D5813

380 - Groudon
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
299CE04B 43341CDD

381 - Rayquaza
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
C5946A0E 65BE02B0

382 - Latias
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
EA642142 26D6E5A6

383 - Latios
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
79870CB0 95729832

384 - Jirachi
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
FBC061A9 072FC320

385 - Deoxys
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
8C5DE8C8 A33E9D88

386 - Chimecho
82FBD860 AE242721
313D2BCE 9004E149
145A57F6 ADDF1B3A

1.2.2 Wild Pokémon's Level Modifier Codes.

These codes change the level of the wild Pokémon you encounter.
Like the Wild Pokémon Modifier codes, they'll be "always on", until you reload your game.

If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pokémon has been hacked.

Level 0: F5AB342D 3CFA84F8
Level 1: C45C7505 6BF97E40
Level 2: C8363B8A F34CC253
Level 3: FBED400C 47E6AF9C
Level 4: 81B4F4A8 DD8C8DA3
Level 5: 8ADF131B 197C3759
Level 6: 36B01215 68B06873
Level 7: A81FA645 2174B4CC
Level 8: 50EE594D B7FD32A9
Level 9: D4AA647C BEC56E17
Level 10: CF0A1FE3 D41BA795
Level 11: F34ACED4 3C833FD0
Level 12: D4AC3116 1A70901F
Level 13: 8A4EF1F6 69FF9704
Level 14: DBB8A34C 1F340ABE
Level 15: 79B4DE8E C4E2714E
Level 16: 16D2DE03 97D5DD30
Level 17: ECC36576 9B384AC4
Level 18: E86757F7 B85B1907
Level 19: 508435D0 8374F8A9
Level 20: F0EB0BD8 E5DAC259
Level 21: 75CB0D43 A287FDEE
Level 22: DB6DE7CF A3D8B726
Level 23: 075456FC 83E07CAB
Level 24: 40A1AE59 0736E278
Level 25: 0E9F9606 0EF72FE8
Level 26: AD477A8D 329351CF
Level 27: 9C0D020F 64EFA2F8
Level 28: 34D3FB96 C7514F70
Level 29: 95623D8F 5448C1AA
Level 30: 8DAA3F03 5E8B4E54
Level 31: 34224A03 6EFCE73E
Level 32: C075E1D2 6E01EC81
Level 33: BE867F80 D2C46A90
Level 34: 650868D6 596C0BC0
Level 35: 593E6E2A 515DAF8E
Level 36: D7B3E81C 3A7B4092
Level 37: 5767DABA C727A2AD
Level 38: 6DC76B78 C23682E7
Level 39: 86F413D7 CBDB39D9
Level 40: 4245B3C4 E56F6A82
Level 41: 8270F1EB D1860181
Level 42: 969D1EE6 47E35F62
Level 43: 32EDA52D 2BDEA8C0
Level 44: 9176DA1D A676AEFE
Level 45: BD639674 9DAE5ACB
Level 46: 5A153871 E444FF29
Level 47: 89A69EBA 824E2B67
Level 48: 12963DB0 674C6AF9
Level 49: 6259B357 DE6A92F2
Level 50: 80F83CB7 37AD1203
Level 51: 2A35CA47 728F3F35
Level 52: 54096210 C5AA929A
Level 53: DDF6A059 F31732AA
Level 54: F61A8D56 FA95DDF9
Level 55: 982C2976 43489754
Level 56: 957A67E7 B03D0BF8
Level 57: 5EB4CE49 93C149C6
Level 58: 4CB419E6 31789987
Level 59: 99CA200B ABCFEEA8
Level 60: 5B5BF78C 5E4B18C6
Level 61: 56EA8C70 453E8185
Level 62: 9ED6273D C3C3040F
Level 63: 57A31C95 53AFEA9E
Level 64: 51386486 8C6681EC
Level 65: BDD6AA72 7D4FBED7
Level 66: F9453920 858514B3
Level 67: CC5470DE 59B583AF
Level 68: 0C9DDCE9 24AB6861
Level 69: 6C4DFC62 7316B869
Level 70: 91096486 0960E45A
Level 71: FB27E9FF 12AA5002
Level 72: E1741A49 967C7FDB
Level 73: 221B0B45 5C53AAB8
Level 74: 0AC35495 84A76C74
Level 75: 0DF5B115 DADD06F6
Level 76: F4AB245F 3D2002EF
Level 77: DC9FF3B0 25AD56E8
Level 78: 5D6FC8EB 086106F5
Level 79: 7519EBBE 186ABEAA
Level 80: 1FE76F15 54DE3575
Level 81: 06CACB52 F59940BD
Level 82: C1492B55 108E9337
Level 83: E45CAD9D CBF7760D
Level 84: A94EFAE2 E1139B30
Level 85: 6BF0C6BF 3C9AE9B8
Level 86: 9B362862 6C9E3476
Level 87: 957FA407 9EB83354
Level 88: 764D7C8B 3AE794B5
Level 89: B98D2485 52001EA3
Level 90: 56401EEF 892CF351
Level 91: F078A9CB F9C77A1D
Level 92: 867BF336 69D46D1B
Level 93: 1802052B 1CA040BD
Level 94: 80D10F19 8980597C
Level 95: BC00C0DF 203B52B9
Level 96: EC994F1B 029C9BF4
Level 97: 12AB8578 A25B2D8F
Level 98: 0FEB2F80 1F4C20F3
Level 99: DDD3F56C 8AB5ED26
Level 100: ECE60170 B3CCB7D2

1.3 Item & TH/HM Moves Codes.

1.3.1 Unlimited Item Code.

When this code is one, the quantity of the items you have will never decrease.

You can also "dupe" items one by one by giving them to a Pokémon.

Note : This code works ONLY when you use items, not when you move them (put in the computer) or sell them...

If you use this code, Nintendo might know that your game has been hacked if you get more than one unique item.


1.3.2 Make Pokémons Learn any TM-HM Codes.

With these codes, any Pokémon will be able to learn any TM-HM.
If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pokémon has been hacked if your Pokémon learns Moves that it can't learn normally.

For TM 01-32:
5AC15E9E 77A6E0ED

For TM 33-50 and all HMs:
15325455 AA59B848

1.3.3 Make HM Moves Erasable Code.

When this code is on you are able to "overwrite" any HM move that your Pokémon learned.

If you use this code, Nintendo will *not* know that your Pokémon has been hacked.

960CBF3C 14553BAE

1.4 Miscellanous Codes.

1.4.1 Unlock Full Pokédex Codes.

Once theses codes has been entered, the full Pokédex (counting the 386 Pokémons) is unlocked. You can save your game, and the new Pokédex will be saved.
If, for some reasons, you want to make the Pokédex come back to its original state, you can try the Disable Full Pokédex Codes.

If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your Pokémon has been hacked.

Unlock Full Pokédex Codes :

E7343B1C 1E9465D8
03C39BA2 B0541E66
85DC5BF3 76315A10

A grey color in the Pokedex means the full Pokedex has been enabled.
Now you just have to make a change in the pokedex option to see the old pokedex: while in the Pokedex, go in the menu of the Pokedex (press select), then choose "Shift", select "Mode", and choose "National Dex".

Disable Full Pokédex Codes :

267905C7 7608FA24
2C770C00 9DC9D688
AEA1B760 4DC4E1C2

1.4.2 Mirage Island Code.

Code to find an "Mirage Island Friendly" Pokémon:

D53E4155 B2F82081

Mirage Island's FAQ:

Q - What is Mirage Island ?
A - An island that appears on Route 130. It is full of Wynauts.

Q - How do I make it appear ?
A - The only way to make it appear is to have an "Mirage Island Friendly" Pokémon in your party.

Q - What is an Mirage Island Friendly Pokémon ?
A - A Pokémon that makes Mirage Island appear when it's in your party :) You can check that by either going to route 130 and see if Mirage Island is there or talk to the old man that looks at the window in the bottom-right house of Pacifidlog Town (the town to the left of Route 130). If the old man says a 2 lines message, you have an Mirage Island's Friendly Pokémon in your party.

Q - Can you be more precise ?
A - When a Pokémon is created by the game, is has unique random values. A set of these random values, also known by some people as the MAP, are used to compute the gender, the traits, the shinyness, and the way the data of the pokemon are written. To check if Mirage Island will appear, the game looks at the MAP, and checks if its last 4 numbers (the MAP has 8 numbers, from 0 to 16 (0 to F in hexadecimal)) are set to 0. If it's true, Mirage Island will appear.

Q - How can I tell if a Pokémon is Mirage Island Friendly ?
A - You can't tell exactly, but you can have one hint. Two of the numbers that must beset to 0 are used to compute the Pokémon's gender. And as low numbers give a female Pokémon, and high number give a Male Pokémon, here is what you can tell :
-If you have a male Pokémon, and this Pokémon can be a female, it'll never be Mirage Island Friendly, because it's gender value will always be >0.
-If you have a female Pokémon, and this Pokémon can be a male, you have one chance out of the gender breakpoint value * 256 that it'll be Mirage Island Friendly.

Q - Huh ?
A - Every Pokémon that has a gender can be male or female, and that is set by a random valuethat goes from 0 to 255 (00 to FF in Hex). The value from which the gender goes from female to male is called the gender breakpoint. Most of the Pokémon have a gender breakpoint of 128, that means the female gender value will have a value from 0 to 127, and male gender value will go from 128 to 255. That also means they have 50% to be male, and 50% to be female. You can tell a Pokémon's gender breakpoint value by looking at Meowth's site's Pokédex (,then choose "Tools"), and look at the gender percentage of a Pokémon. Take the female percentage, multiply it by 256, and you'll have the Pokémon's gender breakpoint. For example,you can see from Meowth's Pokédex that Machop has a 24% (=0.24) chance to be a female. 0.24*256=61.44. Round it down, and you'll have Machop's gender breakpoint value : 61.

By knowing this, you can tell what are you chances of a female Pokémon to be Mirage Island Friendly by multiplying the gender breakpoint by 256.

Here are some exemples :

-Genderless Pokémon (or Pokémon that have always the same gender) will have 1 chance out of 65536 (256*256) to be Mirage Island Friendly.

-50% Female/ 50% Male Pokémon will have 1 chance out of 32678 (128*256) to be Mirage Island Friendly if you catch a female.

-24% Female/ 76% Male Pokémon will have 1 chance out of 15616 (61*256) to be Mirage Island Friendly if you catch a female.

-12% Female/ 88% Male Pokémon will have 1 chance out of 7936 (31*256) to be Mirage Island Friendly if you catch a female.

This won't give you more chances to get an Mirage Island Friendly Pokémon (chances arealways 1 out of 65536), but it'll save you lot of time, because you won't have to catch every Pokémon you encounter and check if they are Mirage Island Friendly.But you'll still have to encounter "65536" Pokémons to find the good one...And remember, only female Pokémon of Pokémon that have a gender, are valuable.

Q - Do breeding, evolving, and/or time of day help in getting Mirage Island Friendly Pokémon?
A - This is not yet known, but it's doubtful.

Q - What does the "Mirage Island Friendly Pokémon" do?
A - It sets the values that are checked to see if Mirage Island will appear, to 0s. That way,the Pokémon you catch with these values will always be Mirage Island Friendly :)

Once this code has been entered, you will only encouter "Mirage Island Friendly" Pokémon. Catch ANY Pokémon in the wild, put it in your party, and go on route 130 : Mirage Island will be there.

If you loose this Pokémon (or put it in your PC), Mirage Island will be gone.
Note : chances to find a non-hacked "Mirage Island Friendly" Pokémon in the wild are *at least* 1/65536.

If you use theses codes, Nintendo might know that your game has been hacked if you keep the "Mirage Island Friendly" Pokémon.

1.4.3 Southern Island Event Codes.

This code will enable Latios/Latias battle on the Southern Island.

0332305F 41A5F851

Plus, if you have the "Eon Ticket", you'll be able to take the boat that will bring you to the Minami no Kotou.

This code will allow you to battle Latios/Latias everytime you examine the "stone" (or egg, or whatever it is) (without this code, you'll encounter Latios/Latias only one time) :

7C4D9034 783EE1E6

The 1st code sets "on" the flag that says that the egg island event is avaible (that means that you can take the boat to egg island if you have the "Eon Ticket", and that Latios/Latias will appear if you examine the stone).

The 2nd code sets "off" the flag that says that you have already done the stone island event (this flag is set on when you examine the egg and encounter Latios /Latias (obvioulsy by using the 1st code I gave you). Once it has been set on, you can't go to Southern Island / encounter Latios/Latias again).

I think you must have finished the game for the 1st code to work (or at least that you must have gone far enought, so you can already take the boat to go to battle tower or other places).

1.4.4 Feebas's Tiles Code.

Feebas mistery revealed :
As some people mentionned, Feebas only appear on route 119. But he doesn't appear in 1 tile of water, but in 1 to 6 tiles (and he'll be the only Pokemon you'll find in this these tiles).
Your position when fishing does not matter, it's the tile in which you are fishing that is important (the one that you are facing).

The location of Feebas is random. When you create a new game, the game Computes some random numbers. One of these random numbers will be used as the "seed" of the hinbasu tiles (other number will be used for the Trainer ID, secret Trainer ID...). The game takes that number, and applies an algorithm to it, so it can create 6 numbers that will always be the same with this seed. And with a different seed (ie a different game), these 6 numbers will be different.

Conclusion : Feebas's tiles are random. There can be from one to six tiles.

With this Type 6 code, Feebas will appear everytime, on every tile of water of route 119...

11E58406 0C731B08

1.4.5 All badges, pokedex, pokenavi... Code.

All badges, pokedex, pokenavi... Code:

BC33578D 82482A93

1.4.6 Money Code.

Lotta Money :


Alternative code for over 4 billion cash
[by mastersord]

1B3E8B0C E075B270

1.4.7 Walk Through Walls Code.


It's a Type 6 code. It allows you to walk over any obstacle like trees, houses, rocks, and to walk on water. With this code, you'll still be able to interact with the game (enter doors, talk to people, take items, etc...). The two things you can't do are :
-walk directly from ground to water (and water to ground). To do this, you need either to use the SURF move, or to walk from ground to water from an unauthorized place (like walk on a tree and from there walk on the water, or if you are on the water, walk on a rock and from there walk on the ground).
-Go out of the map limit. Each map (each route, room, etc...) is a rectangle of tiles. With this code, you'll be able to move anywhere within that rectangle, but you won't be able to cross its limit (unless you enter another map). That means, for example, if you enter a house, you won't be able to walk in the "dark". But anyway, there is nothing in that dark :)

1.4.8 Secret Trainer ID Codes.

Find out your Secret Trainer ID Codes (1).
Enter this Type 6 code, and look at your trainer card. It could be a bit messy (it might even make the game crash! If it does, you can use the 2nd set of codes), but it'll display your secret Trainer ID instead of your regular Trainer ID. After that, write down this number, and turn the code off (switch off your GBA). For now, knowing your secret Trainer ID has no useful purpose. But maybe one day some people will make proggies that'll use your secret Trainer ID and your normal Trainer ID, and use them to compute a pokemon with all the caracteristics/stats/genes... you want (and that'll obey you), find your hinbasu tiles... And, who knows, maybe more!

A5B23891 B0F9BB70

Secret Trainer ID revealed (2).
If the 1st code makes your game crash, here are 2 other Type 6 codes that will work perfectly (but require some calculation).

1st code:
33AAEAD0 C0161DD8

2nd code:
78146786 CF7E996B

Enter the 1st code, and look at your trainer card. Write down the Trainer ID numbers that are displayed.

Do the same thing with the 2nd code. Now, open windows calculator (or any tool that can make decimal-hexadecimal conversion). Enter the 1st number as decimal, and convert it to hexadecimal.

You should have 4 numbers (A-F are numbers in hexadecimal). Write down the 2 1st numbers (if you have A152, take A1). Do the same thing with the numbers you will get with the 2nd code.

Now take the 2 sets of 2 numbers you just wrote down, and enter them in windows calculator as hexadecimal numbers in the order you wrote them down (if you had A1 and B5, enter A1B5), and convert this number to decimal : you have your secret Trainer ID.

1.4.9 All Pokémon in Pokedex Codes.

By entering those codes, you'll have your Pokédex completed.
(all Pokémon Seen & caught)
We split these codes so you can enter them easily.

Pokémon #001-032:
99A01FA2 3F08F830
EE74BECA AF807991
362E9B1F A0B784CB
E8A0B086 E9578D38

Pokémon #033-064:
1AA3B176 4D33093E
BC48ED82 8CEC0717
193DC7EC 4EF8B886
6FDB881B 8F5D8790

Pokémon #065-096:
CDFDF9E5 1B77914D
870A34D6 56AA6344
2980457D 55CBE274

Pokémon #097-128:
348F929F 3B70A003
07753633 1D737450
2730760E B8C78129
7ECC99ED A18A2230

Pokémon #129-160:
548CCF25 3704DF7D
DD7BBD22 201C52AF
24B0B4A1 9D933746

Pokémon #161-192:
BDC7E7E5 850DF847
DBF14DEA A1585014
D5FF286F 8A3120AF
48616CCB 5910DF5D

Pokémon #193-224:
A732450A 9AD013C2
982BF2B9 BE067FA1
F3BCF131 056FEDA3
E2F5F771 C16E375C

Pokémon #225-256:
8BEBE659 E9059F11
BD1EA490 65035CFC
43777FB7 E83DB646
39DA34D2 285275D3

Pokémon #257-288:
508D4561 3CAB0F04
BBF5743B 4076AABE
AA1490CD 7A23FAF7
50979647 67714ADF

Pokémon #289-320:
2F369DC8 75A71EFF
DEF64BBB 58F81A84
2A410615 163AC26F
F8C5D2D2 E04D563E

Pokémon #321-352:
2864A834 E967D580
97C7A550 803BD53A
C065E5AF 718A1FA7
0AD09D1B BF067D99

Pokémon #353-384:
0BDB86B6 9BA88E11
82BB07A1 C5D5D579
222EE537 F07B2595
026B9BB2 4256DA85

Pokémon #385-386:
6AC43F44 45C92236
158A3C39 10E68326
5DC7027C 54972591
773C36C1 921FB070

1.4.10 All Trainer in Trainer's Eyes Codes.

You can enter theses lines of codes one by one if you prefer. Once all these codes have been entered, your Trainer's Eyes will be completed (69 Trainers registred).

4B689657 A08309DB
588360CF 497E51A2
065B69BD 58A3E45C
A09F1547 558C986F
93177528 D62D7370
2B06DC16 8C5C6352
D1F3E870 068E46F2
07314132 1158EB40
07F5BE93 4C31FFCD
ED0B50AE B1D38765
DC7FF60D A3336702
156C31D8 35DF1094
D9CC83CB 91715785
130132BD 0C25D604
EDC5898D CE3A007B
8BC0C221 64A948B3
8C6E71B5 6B57C524
60A11CDE B38A2426
6906D764 BB7586BF

1.4.11 Share Experience After Battle Codes.

If you use theses codes, you won't have to switch your Pokémon during battles to make them gain experience. Just beat your oppoment with 1 Pokémon, and the game will think all your Pokémon have fought the battle, and will give experience to all of them!

3E9BD973 F2C8482E

1.4.12 Trainer Card's Stars Codes.

First, I'd like to say that I did some research, and I found that there were only 4 Stars in the game. Not 5, 4.
There still might be a very slim chance that I missed something, and that the last star could be obtanaible using the Link cable, but I seriously doubt about it...

1st Star Code :
This star is unlocked when you finish the game.
With these code, you'll have finished the game in 15 minutes.

2386CABF E4C81DF6
401BD020 2D17E69B

2nd Star Code :
This star is given to you when you beat the Battle Tower.
With this codes, you'll have beaten the Battle Tower 999 times.

37C7CCB5 96221529

3rd Star Code :
This star is given to you when you win all the contest.
These codes will do the trick.

59156348 F88722FC
1B81E7CE 3657B2BD
415E763A EF30C734
2C6CCD49 7294442D
7C304127 BA14BAD0

4th Star Code :
This star is unlocked when you have caught 202 Pokémon in the Pokédex.
Use the codes at section 1.4.9 to fulfill this requirement.

1.4.13 Trainer Card's Back Codes.

Use these codes to fill the back of your trainer card.

Line 1 : First Hall of Fame.

2386CABF E4C81DF6
401BD020 2D17E69B

Line 2 : Link Card Battle.

6BFA2CEA 0233DE45
1EFD3AD5 3D811C24

Line 3 : Pokémon Trades.


Line 4 : Pokéblocks w/ Friends.

8926B3F7 958A0E5B

Line 5 : Contests w/ Friends.

E091AD21 46443147

Line 6 : Battle Tower.

37C7CCB5 96221529